Acrylate Products


A Technical Data Sheet (“TDS”) is a document that provides typical physical properties and characteristics of specific products.  Mountain Grout® Technical Data Sheets are intended as a general guide to provide assistance regarding typical physical characteristics of the product. However, the specific values are affected by various factors, including, but not limited to, ambient temperature, water temperature, humidity, water pH, reaction under confinement, and the presence of chemicals or debris in the reaction area. Applicators are encouraged to perform sample tests with the variables found on site to get the best possible indication of the product’s physical properties for the specific job.


A Safety Data Sheet (“SDS”, also formerly known as a Material Safety Data Sheet) is a detailed informational document that describes the physical and chemical properties of a particular product.  The SDS includes information related to the properties of each chemical, such as:

1)  The physical, health, and environmental health hazards, if any;

2)  Protective measures; and

3)  Safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical.

SDSs provide guidance for each specific chemical on matters, such as necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), first aid procedures, and spill clean-up procedures.  All applicable SDSs should be carefully read and fully understood prior to opening or using Mountain Grout products.

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Green Mountain Grout International LLC, Member of the ICRI & Member of the ASDSO.